
In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Happy Birthday Stone.

Well, it's already less than a week until Christmas.  I haven't really been in much of a festive mood lately.. I usually will listen to at least one christmas song on my own accord.. but this year I've been so busy that I've not been able to notice.  As much as some of you may think, it's not the climate.  People do get pretty festive here too, but I am just plain not around it.  It also takes friends to get into the spirit of things.  One friend has to be the one excited about Christmas.  Caniprokis is missed here in that regard.

Anyway.. this week is turning into really just a highlight of the year.  I've not really slept a good nights sleep, except for Monday night.  I'm up now pretty late, because of catastrophic failures with the network at work.  It really sucks.  This is the part of my job I really hate.  And it's even worse for me because of the financial ramifications that directly affect me.

Now, there were some plans to improve the network (by creating a fresh, clean one) in early early January.  It was one of those things I wasn't looking forward to doing, but necessary for the future.

Well.. now I have to get things back online in a very temporary fashion cobbling together technologies.. some really unstable stuff.  This is necessary to prevent my ruin.

The temporary/cobbled together network is far from ideal, but it will take a few days to get the new network built.  This means missing my flight on Tuesday.

I may be able to get bumped from my flight (as in go to the airport like I'm going to leave, and let them bump me).  If they don't bump me, I'll have to just leave I guess.. if they do bump me, I don't know what I'll do.  It really is quite risky to leave a brand new, untested network alone for any period of time.

Anyway, I am pissed off at the timing of everything.  I've never had to wonder what I was doing on Christmas day.  I never thought it would ever be much of a question.. I mean it is pretty much always with family right?

At the very least, Stone will be around, being a jew and all.  He's like family.  Maybe we can do jew things like go have chinese food for dinner and see a movie.

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