Should have majored in communications

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

Calliander trying to get a point across for the loss. I should stick to straightforward talk instead of sensationalistic stuff.

I'm definitely not conveying my thoughts on this coherently enough. I am certainly not calling the motive into question. The speech Spo posted is what sold me - I think I watched it some time in January or February of 2003 and its content is what made me say, "You know what, he's got a point. Something needs to be done about the shit going down in Iraq." I still back the humanitarian idea behind going there. What I'm saying is our actions are what I regret - even my own - and those are what were wrong. I still believe we need to stay there as long as it takes as a result of our shoddy execution. I hope that's clear enough. ? I agree that removing Hussein was overdue.

I don't agree that it couldn't have waited long enough for a worldwide buy in. That might be one thing you two feel differently about from me, I don't know. Part of my contrition stems from the urgency we placed upon the action which, again, is in the execution. I used to blame it all on neocons but I could have done my part in thinking the whole thing over.

But I mean, come on: can either of you tell me with a straight face that you don't believe there was any intent to mislead the American public when it came to motive? If you can, that's cool, I'll respect it even if I don't agree with it.

Also, my point about Hitchens was what Stone said. Someone even remotely liberal talking about Iraq? CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS. (insert video of man throwing his dominoes down forcefully)

EDIT: Also, Stone, that video is messed up.

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