Shitty Day

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Well.. today is sort of one of those days that I wish I had stayed in bed for... sorta.

See, I was woken up at 8am or so by the sound of a jackhammer tearing up the parking lot, where they are running new pipes or some shit. That sucked because my window was open, and it was warm enough with the window open.. nevermind closing it and trying to sleep.

At about 9am, after tossing and turning for a while, I gave in and shut the window. I then dozed off.. and probably sweat a lot in the process.

My alarm woke me up at 9:45am. I promptly hit snooze. I kept hitting snooze every 10 minutes for a full hour, at which time the alarm gives up. I then wake up naturally at 11:30am. I have class at 12:20, and its a 10 minute drive and a 5 minute walk. So I didn't have time for my normal morning routine, but made it to class on time. Dunno why I bother with being on time.. but its only the third class so whatever.

Class was okay.. warm, but fine. I went home after class since the next one was several hours away at 5pm. I did a few things at home, but needed to go to the store for a few vital things..

So, I drove back home.. I was approaching the entrance to the complex, and started to turn in.. but there didnt seem to be enough room for me to turn in. So at the guide of the bus driver, I started to back up. I hadn't moved more than two inches when a truck clipped me. This two lane road, with little to no shoulder, and no painted lines, isn't big enough for three lanes of traffic.. so why the asshole didn't stop or slow down before going around I will never know. Soo.. I have a hole in my bumper and there is damage to the lights. It sucks because now I have no blinkers at all.. the fuze is dead.

So that sucked. And then I went to my five o'clock class. The class is mildly boring since its teaching how to use Macromedia Flash 5, which I sort of know already from using Flash 3 and Flash 4, and Photoshop, etc which all seem to be similar.

After class, I went home like a moron.. even tho I needed to go to Walmart. So after being home for 3 minutes I remembered, and drove to walmart. Walmart doesnt sell window fans by teh way. So don't go looking there. I found one for twelve bucks at k-mart. I also bought paper, which is the other thing I need. What did I forget? Fucking ink.

Anyway.. this is all really stupid, trivial stuff.. but my car being hit sort of takes over in my mind.. since its a shitty thing to happen to a really shitty car. I don't know if I'll repair more than the electronics and the lights.. I hate the car.

But this has thrown me totally off trakc of work. I have been working poorly for over a week now, moving in and stuff... so this doesnt help.

So, now it is 11:30pm, and I don't want to do a thing. So I write this. I guess I could be reading some of the shit I hvae to read for english, but I don't really feel like reading the tale of a man struggling with his gender identity and sexuality. Or any of the other queer-related books. The category for these books are things like "Fiction Gay Studies/African American Studies" and "Gay & Lesbian Studies/Women's Studies". Perhaps I will then understand why so many lesbians are short, butch, ugly women.

Perhaps its time to put this day behind me and just go to bed.

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