
In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

And Insult lights up! :)

When it comes to fiscal responsibility John McCain has one of the best records in Congress and there's every reason to believe he'll make good on his promise to cut the fat out of the federal government. He probably won't be able to erase the deficit but I have no doubt he'll balance the budget while cutting taxes a bit. One of the reasons earmark spending declined last year is because of a measure championed by McCain that requires legislators to attach their names to their earmark requests.

This is true - McCain has the right idea when it comes to reserving money for the crap that gets tacked onto bills. I hope I didn't come across as being against that. Any piece of legislature should be about one thing. Yeah, it will create more work for our public servants but that's what we're paying them to do! I have no problem with their salary if they're working. I still bristle at Conyers when that fat bastard Michael Moore was questioning him about not reading the Patriot Act: "We don't read most of the bills." What the hell?

Anyway, when it comes to fiscal responsibility, I think this article is a pretty good indictment of the two. McCain's record is not what he is purporting now. Ron Paul is fiscally responsible. McCain has a much better record than most other politicians when it comes to where our money goes. I have no qualms with his past, only what he is claiming now. I guess I just don't feel confident that he'll even come close to balancing the budget or that he'll even try. I just don't see the spark there anymore.

How long have we heard that Republicans don't care about minorities, old people, the middle class, or children? Republicans will take away your Grandma's social security check and kick her into the street.

Don't forget - they hate black people, too. You're a race traitor if you're black and vote Republican.

It seems as though a lot of liberals believe Obama is going to pull us out of Iraq right away and shy away from military action in the future. They've deluded themselves into believing that the terrorist threat is a bullshit concoction of the Bush administration and that it goes away with the Republicans. Clearly, they haven't been paying attention. Obama isn't going to be the short-sighted pussy on national defense that they hope and pray he'll be; he's going to kick terrorist ass and he's not pulling our troops out of Iraq until the job is done. That's clear from his speeches (if you read between the lines). Right now a lot of liberals like to pretend 9/11 never happened and go into a frenzy whenever it's even mentioned (probably because that day informs so much of what we do militarily). They're going to be in for a rude awakening if Obama wins the election, because he's going to take ownership of the terrorism issue. My issues with Obama are on domestic policy; I have no doubt he'll be a hard-ass on foreign policy and keep our foot on Al Qaeda's throat. I look forward to seeing Code Pink lose their shit the first time Obama drops a bunker buster on a terrorist outpost, killing 24 terrorists and 2 civilians.

Obama has, unquestionably, done a great job with the subterfuge regarding this issue. You are correct - he is not going to let us rest until Iraq is stable enough for us to go. The irrational cut-and-run folks have no idea. And heh... I don't pretend 9/11 never happened but I certainly go nuts when people bring it up.

I'll tell you one thing, though. The terrorist threat isn't a bullshit concoction by the Republicans. They may have capitalized on those attacks but terrorism is real. I just don't think it's something we should worry about as much as we do.

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