Shaka del Tambourine

In category:Education
Post by:Stone

Well...I have a horrid cough. Solid stuff seems to be in my throat. I get it every year around this period, luckily enough, finals period. I don't think it's part of allergies.

I have two English exams tomorrow, and a large paper due Thursday afternoon. I've already thought about how much I hate them tonight, so I don't feel like writing about it. I'm currently debating over whether to sleep tonight. I think I'm going to stay up all night, take the Horrible exam of Fascist Poetry of Doom at 9am tomorrow until 11:30am...stumble around the campus in a stupor until 3pm, and then take my Children's Lit (which I'm surprisingly optimistic about) exam until 5:30pm. Then, the hard part. What I need to do is come home, and sleep. Sleep for 7 to 8 hours, wake up at 1am or 2am, and then start writing for 10-12 hours, finish my paper, and that's it, I guess.

Sad me. Well, whatever. All I really want is a nice pair of shoes.

Stone 2000

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