sad sad sad oh so so so sad

In category:Life
Post by:hunch

well i'm going to have to agree with spodudezer on this one......gatekeeper i don't want to argue with u about this cuz u think your right and nomatter what anyone tellz u ...u will continue to think that

politics is a valid subject thats in the news and on everyones mind...did clinton do a shitty job maybe mabe not is al gore a robot? maybe maybe not...noone can say yes or no we all have our own oppinions on the subject of the matter i could give a fuck about politcs honestly but if i feel i want to talk about them cuz there's something goin on i don't get then i will..if i'm pissed of cuz clinton is still in the news and bush is a fucking idiot then i'm gonna talk about it right here to see what other people think thtas what it is for..

u have your oppinions and u voice them when ever u want to correct? so why can't calliander voice his funny or not funny he sometime say retarded things but those r his beliefs and what he stands for...

nobody(well except for me lol cuz i'm an asshole like that) bitches at u when u post fuckin garbage that as no point or value to anyones life except yours do they...

also i know pappy pretty well and i really think he can speak for himself about what he wants posted what if it has to be funny or isn't always funny if u haven't noticed....there is alot of shit that happens and people wanna talk about it and it's really isn't funny all the time i don't remember hearing anyhink from anyone about u running insult and for that matter u can respond anyway u want but like spo said u really need to put away your red marker and stop talking to everyone like there some sort of fucking moron asshole...yes i am a fuckin moron asswhole we have all agreed on that right??????? as far as i can see pappy hasn't ever said not to post some thing the only rule on posting is NO REAL NAME ONLY ALISIS....not no serious post cuz gatekeeper needs to keep him self amused or not ranking on old people or transvestites or three legged dogs with one testical has u can respond to this and call me an asshole loser and to try and leave branford and see life more closley but it means nothing it's just a cover up maybe because your insecure about yourself or cuz i'm the youngest one here and u have somekind of control issue over everybody thats not thinking in the same mind frame as u

so yes we r all idiots that know nothing and should die if that makes u feel better about your self then great best of luck to u other wise don't try to control everyone just don't read the shiit u don't like

so speaks the troublemaker and so it shall be........

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