Returned Goods

In category:Sex
Post by:FlyingTim

I haven't posted in a while. I'm not sure if that has any bearing on anything.

Over winter break, I was seeing this girl, let's call her Kate, cause that's her name. When she went back to school, it was as I didn't exist. Needless to say, our thing was discontinued. I was angry for a while, but got over the whole thing.

In the beginning of June, she emails me, inviting me to her brother's graduation party. It was a group email, which could mean that it didn't really mean anything. I didn't go, but emailed her back, cause I didn't want to not reply and end up looking like a dick. A few days later, I got a response, which really surprised me. As I read it, it hit me like it was just a courtesy thing, like I did. Then, at the end of the email, she said that we should get together sometime, me and her, as well as a mutual friend, Goofy Tim.

Goofy Tim was going to outer Mongolia, no joke, as a mission through his church. Of this, she was well aware. (Their families go to the same church) So I emailed her back, saying sure (why not, I figured) and told her that, regrettably, Goofy Tim was going to be in Northern Asia, building huts. So it didn't look too good for our little get-together.

She mailed me back, and said that it was too bad that Goofy Tim was going to be away, "I guess it will just be you and I..." Another surprise. So I said, Um, okay, I guess I'll see you when you come down. An didn't hear from her again.

That is, until last night. I had figured that she had done the typical girl thing, agree to more than you want to, and then try to weasel out of it, without actually saying what you mean or feel. But the email's point last night was that she was really busy, and hadn't had a chance to come down to here since her brother's graduation party. (She does RA things at school over the summer at Eastern) So let's recap.

Boy and girl date, do regular dating things.

Girl ignores boy and goes back to school with no forwarding address.

Girl contacts boy for unknown reason, and proposes a get-together.

Get-together never happens, however, girl lets boy know that she hasn't forgotten, but she's been really busy.

Those are the facts. Now, I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me just what the fuck is up with all this dangling? I had all but forgotten about her, and at the last moment, she puts herself back in the picture. She says she wants to hang out, but never does. I just about forget about it again, and she manages to stick her arm in the elevator door. I just dont understand it. Ffeh.

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