Return of the mac, 948 with avengance

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Caniprokis

ok so i go to see "brother hood of the wolf" with arcee and one of her roommates. now i goto see amovie advertised on american television and in american movie thearters, andi have some expectations, one of which is not to go and have to READ said movie, if i wanted to read it i would have read the book. so this movie starts and the kid behind me says to his girlfriend "is this all in french" and i think " no that couldent be this is a nationaly advertised movie, subtittled movies are only for art fags in small theaters. but no it was all in Fench. and it was poorly done. one of the main charecters was suppose to be a native american who just happened tok now martial arts and just happened to actually be played by a person of asian decent,wow thats really great....not. also the special effects were ass and the plot was hard to follow and jumped around alot. two good things about this movie, lots of tits though some are of dead chicks if you like that, and some cool fight sceans,but after the fist one there all the same just worse and worse odds. this only futher proves my thery that nothing good ever comes from france.


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