In category:Life
Post by:GIRLNEXTDOOR shouldn't be so sensitive. First of all my post was not directed toward you at all...the world does not revolve around poor sad Lio. Secondly, you don't know a damn thing about me. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I was venting frustrations as well? Probably not...because you are so busy caring how other people perceive you. Thirdly, I am not an "ICE QUEEN"...there is a distinct difference between someone who doesn't waste emotions on the unworthy...and someone who doesn't feel any at all. I never said I dont have emotion, now did I? I didn't think so. Relax Lio, the world is not out to get you. I never even read your original post. Since it seems that your original post was a very sensitive subject, I will refrain from reading it. Like I said before, you won't get pity here. I was under the impression this was ...this is where people vent their frustrations (this part you had correct) however, I don't consider this a site dedicated to WHINING. Feel very free to insult me if it makes you feel superior. You do what you need to do...and I will do the same. Just make sure you get your facts straight next time you want to tiff with me. I am not an "advanced whiner", I am more or less just bitchy, and I am certainly not the miserable party {your profile says your DESPERATE} that would be you. Awe, Did I hurt your feelings? Don't let the insignificant get you down. You dont know me...why should anything I have to say upset you?

I think your accomplishments with your weight loss are wonderous. I congratulate you. You shouldn't be all down on yourself...if you didn't have such a low self-esteem you would probably be alright. Cheer up and Bitch...Don't Whine...go back and reread the post about men who whine. You don't want to be like that. Do you? *~GIRLNEXTDOOR~*

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