Remember when...

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

At some point I think I'll look back on the last 4 years since high school. But it is still too soon to reminisce.

I think everyone sort of daydreams.. runs scenarios through their mind.. of life in the future. It's like.. you've thought about what you'd do if you won a million dollars. Everyone has thought about it. You think about other things.. what you're going to do in the next couple of years. or days. Stone and I were talking about what we could do with $20 million without having to work again.

But I realized something tonight, while making a delicious bacon toasted sandwich. My plans for my life don't really include people. Like, I never think about who I'd be with at the time. My mind just thinks about the money, where it comes from and where it will go. It's a very narrow perspective. But then again, you can't plan people. I don't even like to plan vacations because they're so difficult to control.

Anyway.. I'll write more some other time maybe.

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