
In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

No.. no I don't remember.

I have very few 'online friends'. I know people in real life, although I do keep in touch with some electronically. If the internet died, I would lose contact with a LOT of people. But, there are only two people I know online that I don't also know in real life. Dunno why that is. I go on IRC.. so I know more than just two people, but everyone else is just 'bleh'.. knowing them well enough means being able to crash at their place of residence if in the area. So, that is two people. The rest of people I rarely talk to.

Anyway... why am I talking about this? Oh yea.. people I don't know (hell, I don't know where these people live, where they work, etc) on IRC will say something.. and I'll be like "Uh.. who are you? Where do you live?".. and they'll be like "I'm a friend of [X], I live in Chicago.. Remember?". NO, I don't remember. I don't know you. If I knew you, I wouldnt have asked.

Um.. I hate this post. I don't even fucking remember what the fuck my point was.

The week is getting stressful. Today I didn't wear a jacket. I eat too much chicken. I hate my hands.

Oh.. I was so god damn horny all day. I mean.. I don't masturbate as frequently as I'd like to.. so it has been like a week or so. So, today I was up at 8:30am, and woke up horny. I mean, thats the normal way to wake up. Anyway.. I get out of bed, get dressed and head to my 9:30am class. I stopped off for coffee first, and was standing in line trying to shift somewhere less noticable. I then went to my class.. which is 99% guys, but there are some girls and they aren't bad lookin'. One asian girl had low cut tight pants.. that got me going.

Then, after class I sat in the bluewall cofee shop.. had a bagel, wrote some stuff.. and did people watching.. still very horny.

Went to my history class.. ran into an annoying kid again and I got to think about shooting him instead of sex, so that was sort of nice. My stats class was pretty bad too.. and all this not a direct result of any real visual stimulation. Like, any boob.. no matter who's boob..

I think they should redesign underpants. Should have like a penis support. Keeping your penis pointed towards the sky at all times.. the only problem is that then you'd have to wear underpants above your belly button. It's convenient to tuck yourself into your pants waist, as long as your shirt doesnt go up you wont be exposed.

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