Religion! (Huh!) Good god y'all, what is it good for?...Absolutely nuthin.....

In category:Life
Post by:FlyingTim

It seems to me that since God knows everything that can ever be known, that in a time like this, when so many millions of people are questioning his existence, he would appear to us, and not in bowl of goddam clam dip. And that goes for all the supreme Deitys. If any of them are the 'right' God to worship, then by all means show yourself and make us all believers. I would love to believe that there is an afterlife, specifically, a heaven, but I just don't think that anything after death exists. There is no proof that anything, bad or good, is there when we die. As far as I can tell, you die, and your brain dies, so you stop thinking. You are no longer a sentient being. So who gives a shit what happens after that? Either they use you for spare parts, which is okay with me, or they throw you in the ground. This practice seems asanine to me. Why in god's name would you keep all the dead people in one spot, buried in these trememdously expensive concrete enclosures, inside these equally expensive boxes? The insanity of this superstitious practice is tipified by the simple fact that there is a PILLOW in the fucking casket. What in the world are we thinking? On the one hand, we are the most technologically advanced society ever, in the written history of the world, and on the other hand, we are so goddam backwards that it's sad. It's amazing how many things people in this world do without questioning it, simply because it's tradition. Things such as burying dead people in the ground, not being able to buy liquor on Sundays, or saying that people can smoke and be addicted to a drug that kills them, they can drink and be addicted to a drug that can kill them and others, but they can't smoke marijuana and stay home and eat a loaf of bread and a stick of butter. That makes absolutely no sense. No one questions it, and the people who do question these stupid and outdated practices are labeled as troublemakers whose opinions don't matter.

And another thing about this goddam religion shit. How the hell are you supposed to tell which one is the right one? Just in Christianity alone, there must be a hundred different denominations. And according to each one, if you don't follow their rules to the fucking letter, you're going to Hell. Woooo!!!! Even the Pope, the head puppetmaster, admitted that there is no Hell. That god a lot of people mad, because that was their trump card, that was how they got people to pay them and do their bidding for the last 2000 years. If you don't....Eternity in Hell...I guess your soul burning until the end of time is a strong encouragement to do what the guy says. And that's a real good theory for such a benevolent organization such as the Catholic church to have, if they don't want to do it, guilt them into it. Tell them that giving us money to buy a new PopeMobile is called stewardship, and that it's their responsibility. If that doesn't work , scare them into it. Tell them that if they don't donate 25% of their yearly pay to us, then they're going to be fucked in the ass by Satan himself for all eternity. And if that doesn't work, move on to another gullible idiot. Such a nice association the church is.

And on a personal note, I hate religion, mostly because for a large part of my life I was forced to go to church once a week and listen to some old guy drone on and on for what seemed like forever about a subject I had no interest in. As a young person, it made little sense to me, but I figured that when I got older, it would clear up and I would be glad I went. Now, after I've grown up quite a bit, I still don't get it, and I wish that I didn't waste all that time there. Not that I had better things to do when I was 8, but still. In times of terrible emotional turmoil, I can understand where it is comforting to think that there is some suporeme being out there, and that as long as you live according to his rules, then you will be 'saved.' But looking at it subjectively, I have no use for the faith. And I have a problem with people with big smiles on their faces telling me that I'm going to hell because I swear a lot. Fuck them. I live my life to be best person I can, and if that's not good enough for those people, I don't give a rat fuck about them. And one more convuluted theory...the idea of a baptism. The idea that a newborn baby, the purest, most innocent soul there could ever be, is a sinner and needs to be cleansed and saved. THE BABY IS A MONTH OLD!!! All it does is shit and laugh and eat! What the fuck is your problem? Fuck it. I'm done.

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