
In category:Sex
Post by:DaBean

Oh the tangled webs we weave. I have no idea who said that. I think it was that bitch Charlotte from that literaty epic of our childhoods.j/k     The bottom line is everyone is someone elses ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.  So when do the lines blur and become non-existant. I know that people on this site have faced this quandry from both sides, sometimes we hold respect for each other so much that we deny ourselves of life changing opportunities. Other times we shit on each other in a heartbeat for a casual parlay of the old in/out. Never considering the ramifications of our actions. Damn, ramifications is a thick ass word huh. But I digress. It is very important to be happy with your own life and conquests and to not deny yourself the right to be happy even at the expense of others. This to me is the true test of friendship.

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