Reflections on Calliander's last statement.

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Peps

Now Flying Tim, I'm sorry but I have to correct you here. There is NOTHING American about not using a gun. Mr. Winchester must be spinning around in his grave right now. I mean not using a gun, thats like a Japanese or a Swiss or French thing or something. I guess that is what happens in countries with lax restrictions on alchohol and pornography. Those monsters. God bless America. But anyway, McCarthy may have had it in for Calliander in the past, but you better watch it before Charlton Heston gets on your ass. He and Jesus might just hunt you down for sport or something.

Anyway, in response to Calliander's post about things not being as good as they used to be (I know that I risk sparking a huge debate on this subject) I must say that the Star Wars prequel sucked. I think it may have ruined my enjoyment of the Star Wars movies all together. I did enjoy the first three in the past, like any geek worth his or her salt, but now, I have lost a great deal of regard for the films as a whole. It was so bad. I could tolerate it at first, I never really thought that it was good, I thought that it was okay after first seeing it, and if there was some sort of justification for its mediocrety that came immediately after the first film, then that may have saved the story as a whole. Unfortunately, it has had time to fester and my perception of the first movie has become so bad that it has spread to my perception of the other films. Ugh. So bad. That clumsy, goofy, backwards-talking,(sorry Pappy), annoying anthropomorphic lizard. Ugh. What was Lucas thinking?! Idunno. But I think this is another case of something that we liked as kids not being so great now. Its so bad. Fuckie fuck fuck.

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