Red hands

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

Like Lio and Caniprokis have already said, a war really shouldn't be of any concern to any of us (with the exception of a select few). I would be a little angry if we got into a war, though. Let me explain why.

We've got a team of supposedly trained spies flying in a plane. They're going to go into China and spy on Beijing. Don't give me any of that "international airspace" bullshit, they were going to spy on China. Somehow, they get caught. What are these people supposed to do? Spies aren't supposed to let themselves be caught, possibly interrogated. They wouldn't be on a plane without parachutes - turn the fucking thing around and let it autopilot itself into the ocean, they can jump out, radio for help and not worry. Instead, they got caught. Thankfully, they were released today. That should be our only concern. But now, we're also worried about the top-secret plane these idiots stranded in East Bumblefuck, Hunan. Remember the U2 incident? The motherfucker took the cyanide pill and destroyed the plane. That's professional.

All China wants is an apology for the death of their man. They don't want us to say, "Yes, we were spying on your country and killed someone in the process. We are very sorry for this and offer our deep regrets." No! All they want is, "We are deeply sorry that our people caused the death of one of yours." Is that so bad? To go to war because we won't acknowledge OUR FAULT is bullshit. Sissy, pansy bullshit. Last night, Lio Convoy said to me: "If I'm the buddy who helped out a lot last summer then lost your CD this summer, am I the buddy who helped out all those times or am I the asshole who lost the CD?" Basically, he's saying that China shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them. That's fucking mobster bullshit! "Hey, listen goomba. I provide protection from street gangs for you and you want to go to the fockin' cops because one of my guys stole something from your store?" Fuck yes, turn those fucking mobsters in! And fuck yes, you are the asshole who lost my CD! I paid money for it, you lost it. Nothing you did in the past changes that.

By that same logic, the following people need to chip in to fix my car's transmission for all those rides to Taco Bell, to and from your houses, and everywhere else in between with very little gas money paid: Lio Convoy, Stone, SpoDudeZ0r, Peps, Bloody, Bean, and yes, even Caniprokis. Even Liz, whom readers don't know. Let's see how you assholes feel about that.

And, with the exception of hunch and maybe SpoDudeZ0r to some tiny extent, we're all liberals here. Flesh and blood, to the fucking bone. Even you, Caniprokis. So maybe you should be out there with us helping that fifth generation homeless dude. Hehe. =)

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