Recommended Reading -- The Bible

In category:Life
Post by:MC

Alright. Jesus' purpose when he was put here on earth the first time was to populate Heaven. He was sent to preach the Word of His Father and to bring people to know Him. He is the God and the Word in the living flesh.

He was a servant when He was here before, and He will be a servant when He returns to walk among us. He's a servant to His Father and a servant to the people that He has died and will die for. He will lead a life of a servant, in the end, dying again, so that people will be allowed the chance to meet their heavenly Father. He was put and will be put here on earth for that reason, and that reason bring people to know His (and our) Father.

He will seek out the people that needed Him and His Father the most, and come to them, and help them through their times of need and despair, and lead them to the highest glory at the hands of their Father. He will help all of us know our Father and be able to be with Him.

That's what Jesus would do. If you need further evidence and/or examples, pick up a Bible.

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