Read the Player's Handbook, Fucker!

In category:People
Post by:Calliander

First of all, you bastards need to be online from 9:10 to 10:00 am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm tired of being all alone in my CSC class, even though the professor is this awesome old dude. He says stuff like, "Son of a bitch, you just made a calculator!" and, "I don't trust those porn sites. You look at some porn and then those god damned marketers get all your information and they're calling you and it's a real pain in the ass! So stay away from the porn!" or, "Hoo! She's a beaut, ain't she! Such a good program. Hot damn!" And everyone's his buddy. Really fucking great.

Anyway, I wanted to respond to Stone's post about the D&D kids he plays with, since he finds it hard to believe the animosity these friends harbor against one another. I believe it was the Gatekeeper who first said to me, "Dude, why do you guys even hang out? You all hate each other!" Over time, he came to realize that no, we don't hate one another, we just happen to have our own way of communicating with ourselves. Just because our friendly conversations consist of swear words and insults doens't mean we hate each other. We know what each other person is saying.

For instance, if you were to pull one stranger off of the street to watch any given night at the Filthhole, this is what that person would witness:

  • Caniprokis threatening to kick someone's ass.
  • LioConvoy calling someone a "worthless piece of shit" or telling them that their "life is shit".
  • Me calling someone "fuckface" or "cockholder" or "penis cave".
  • Innumerable personal arguments about video game consoles.
  • Several instances of one person attempting to violate another person's ear.
  • LioConvoy molesting someone.
  • Me molesting someone.
  • Someone calling Pappy old in a very spiteful tone.
  • Someone comparing the "gayness" of something to someone.
  • Various other "gay" remarks.
  • Various complaing about someone behind their back.

Now, if Bloody and Bean were still up here, that person would also hear the following words more than once, used in reference to someone there in a derogatory way:

  • Faggot. (Possibly "silly faggot".)
  • Nigger.
  • Spic.
  • Chink.

On top of that, said stranger would also see the spectacle that is everyone playing a video game and then getting mad at Stone for being really good at it, then complaining about it after he leaves. I don't think we tend to insult one another during D&D, but that's because we're generally pretty good roleplayers.

But still, the average person would think we all hate each other. Just thought that might bring to light the situation Stone is in. Merry day. =)

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