Random shizit

In category:Life
Post by:MC

Those of you that don't know me, or don't care, this isn't really for you, but I know there's probably 3 or 4 of you that care about me, so I thought I'd post. Pappy, Kellwhore, danz0r, and GIRLNEXTDOOR, I'll miss you guys while I'm out at UW-Madison next year. Yes, I am transferring, and I'm 99.9% sure I won't be back for spring semester at UMass either. I guess the only way to say why, is that things are just sometimes better for you when they're closer to home. I probably should've gone to Wisconsin in the first place, but I had my experience and now it's time to start in seriously and fresh after a year of fun. (Danz0r, I'll probably be out the week before spring break to get my stuff. I'll let you know.) You should all come out and visit. I'll have an apartment and the bars in Madtown rule. Plus, I figure by then, Pappy and danz0r, you'll be 21 and it would completely kick ass. :-) Plus, if you come out to visit me, I wouldn't have to miss you and be out of the loop. :-) And I'll definitely be back to visit. I just don't feel like dealing with the East Coast on a permanent basis just yet. I know some people may assume reasons for my transferring, but I'm seriously not about to let little shit like that take control of the rest of my life and ruin what should be the best experience of my life. I make choices for myself, and I'm glad I've made this one.

Pappy, I'm glad we're talking again. I thought you were mad at me for some reason or wanted nothing to do with me, so I'm glad we've gotten past that. :-)

Well, that's all I really have to say. And any of you that don't like, or think what I had to say was stupid, can fuck off, cuz I really don't care. :-). I'm out.

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