Random shit I feel like venting about...

In category:Misc
Post by:LioConvoy

Well folks been awhile since I've posted... basically because I have nothing worth saying in the grand scheme of things... but that's not going to stop me this evening.

Been in a weird place recently... My confidence is at an all time high, though I have no real reason why that is, I've just been feeling more secure.  Maybe I'm not so much secure as I am sure that I don't care what others think.   I'm still no closer to solving my ever present problems with the female gender, but I feel very little apprehension anymore.  I don't know.

I'm also feeling a little more confident now that I'm aiming my life toward something.  I've been looking into getting my certification to become a history teacher.  After a year of just floating around blindly, it feels good to have an aim.  Oddly ironic since I was such a disgruntled youth as Stone is so fond of pointing out.  But I can remember a few teachers who really reached out to me, and made high school not such a hellish pit of ego shattering.  I figure if I could be one of those teachers to one student, it would be worth doing.  The older I get the more I realize that I don't think I have the heart for business.  I want something to do where I feel I'm doing something besides amassing wealth.

Also... another thing... if I ever agree to go on a blind date... somebody rip my dick off and beat me in the face with it.  Why do we as enlightened human beings do this to ourselves?  I went out on one this evening... MEH.  My co-worker hooked me up with an ex of his (First big mistake).  But hey, he said she was a nice girl, and she was.  We went out, but she got lost trying to get to my house, so by the time she got here the only place open was the Diner.  HARDLY the most romantic setting, but hey, I can make do.  We get there, and there are these HORRIBLE, long, awkward silences... just no chemistry.  Just a strange evening... don't ever do one of these...

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