Random Crap That’s Pissing Me Off Right Now.

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Pants. I've recently found that one of my most hated things in life for me is pants. I find them generally uncomfortable... They just wind up getting stained... and they keep me from seeing girls genitals. Pants suck. I also wish it was socially acceptable to drop trow and take a whiz at a urinal. Instead I have to unzip the fly, fish out my junk, let 'er rip, try and expel all the whiz, pray to ceiling cat that I don't have any left over pee left in my ding dong (which is possible because depending how tight your pants/unners are, your wang may be compressed slightly, think a kink a garden hose)... hopefully I haven't visibly pissed myself at this point. Fuck pants.

ike's Rant about flash. Fuck you. Flash is the industry standard for streaming video right now. Deal with it. Are there better technologies? Yes, but I don't see them being adapted by the public. Betamax was a superior recordable technology. Laserdisc was the crispest audio/video experience of its time. The Atari Jaguar had super slick 32 bit graphics, years before the Playstation. Just because a technology is better, doesn't the public will back it, and if the public won't get behind it, you ain't got shit. Some companies just can't deal with the fact they don't live in a vacuum, where only tech they approve of exists and is used by the public. Flash rulez and I can view it on my netbook at any time.

Upper respiratory infections. I've been fighting this bastard since late December. I'm starting to worry I caught the Gay Cancer like Freddie Mercury. Me and Jim Henson are going to be the only ones in the last 40 years to die of pneumonia.

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