Random Bitching…

In category:Work
Post by:LioConvoy

You know what I hate? When you're dealing with a customer or client or what have you... and they start bitching at you about the price of a good or service you're providing, or better yet try to haggle. What the hell? This type of shit may benefit you on some back corner market in Marrakesh or some type of product with an extraordinarily high profit margin like a car or a house, but we live in America and the price is the price is the price. My favorite is when I'm a Starbucks or some such shit some A-hole starts flapping his gums to the poor kid behind the counter about the outrageous price of the coffee. C'mon now! First off, do you think that making an ass of yourself to a 17 year old kid is going to change the price of a cup of coffee set by a multi billion dollar corporation? Do you think that yelling at this 17 year old kid is going to make him say "Ya know what? That coffee IS too expensive, I don't think our company realizes that! I'm gonna hop a concord to the company headquarters and let them know!". No, that 17 year old kid is going to laugh at you behind your back and call you a Boner.

Now I work as a customer service rep for a similar multi billion dollar conglomerate, and I run into these jack holes all the time. And it seems that people can't get it through their thick fucking skulls that we can't customize something made to service a consumer base of MILLIONS of people on a one by one personal level. I had one stupid twat the other day who wanted me to change a nationwide advertising campaign because a free predictive program failed to predict something! That's the nature of a predictive system, they aren't perfect, other wise we'd have sold the patent on this AI to the fucking pentagon! Or ya get the ass holes who are all like "Oh, can't ya throw this in there because I'm such a good customer?" No, I can't the system won't let me. Besides what the fuck do I look like, the fucking cable guy who's gonna give you free HBO if you slide me a 20? Go fuck yourself, you'll get what we offer to all our customers... Because all of our customers are good customers.

But it's nowhere near as bad as when I worked retail. I used to work for a high end audio store and I was trying to sell a $4000 home theater system to this douche bag middle age wannabe biker ass hole. I was going through my whole spiel about the system's benefits and all the possibilities it presented. Then this cock holder goes to me, "I've got $3500 cash right now. Deal?" Well, that's nice it doesn't change the fact that the price of the system is still $4000 dollars. And no, I'm not impressed that you ride on the outside your vehicle.

All in all I'd say the old addage of "The customer is always right" has been an excuse for people to be rude, crass, and generally unpleasant for far too long. The customer is entitled the best service that can be provided to them, that does not mean that the customer has the right to be a complete douche bag when that best is not good enough. We live in a free capitalist economy and numbers do the talking. If the issue you're torqued about is worth abusing some poor pawn of the company then the issue will eventually show up in the numbers and be corrected. If it isn't corrected then yelling, cajoling, or rangling with some poor schmuck won't help matters. Go fuck yourself.

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