Ramblings for final paper writers.

In category:Misc
Post by:Peps

So there's an idea that was moderately popular about fifteen years ago, and it was a pretty mediocre idea to begin with, but they go and present it to the teeming millions today anyway. That is appearently what is happening with the release of the new Crocodile Dundee film. What the fuck is that? I had almost entirely erased the first two from my memory when they revive it. What the hell were they thinking? The script must have been written by the guy that designed the Ford Pinto. It just hit me that they actually made and released this film when I saw that crocodile guy on the Late Late show earlier. Its so wrong. Anyway, I am writing papers right now for the end of the semester. Maybe the stress involved with getting them done on time combined with the insanity of a third Crocodile Dundee film has made me snap. Idunno.

And another thing. I reeeeeeeaaaaaaaly dislike Dr. Laura. She is incredibly ignorant. She dogmatically dispences morality and ethics and talks about how people should do things for god and family and shit like that. But she never says WHY these things are good. There is no basis for her system of morals. She tries to hide behind the Bible or I guess the Torah in her case, but it really doensn't hold water. The Torah doesn't tell us that it is wrong to invite your ex-girlfreind or ex-boyfriend to your wedding ceremony. It is such bullshit. She must have her doctorate in Psycology and not philosophy or ethical studies. So annoying. I think I really begin to hate her show when I am up late at night reading Aristotle or Plato and her show comes on.

You know what? You know those wwjd bracelets? "What would Jesus do?" is what they stand for. I really want one that says "wwad." What would Aristotle do? He he. I think it would really be funny if I started quoting the Nichomachean Ehtics in conversations about morals. Sighting it in the same way as people sight scripture. It would be funny but the whole point of reading things like the Nichomachean Ethics is really not to believe in what it says dogmatically, anyway, but to accept it sceptically. I think it would still be funny, though. Well, if you've read this far, I'm glad to see that you have gotten through what most probably consider to be an incredibly boring post. Anyway, back to writing or some shit like that. Yeah, almost done with my commentary on Bloom's translation of Plato's Republic. METAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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