
In category:Politics
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

Ok, Gatekeeper, if NOBODY CARES about politics then why are so many people contributing to the discussion? I enjoy talking politics sometimes and if people want to talk about it here and you don't like it then just don't read it. And as for ripping Calliander for bringing up politics, I know it's not as funny a topic as the one hunch brought up a couple weeks ago but it's still valid. For someone that said they were leaving the site permanently due to censorship issues you sure do like to wave that big red marker around.

I agree with what Pep's said, and as a Clinton hater with no party affiliation I'll say that I think the actions of those republicans in the 80's are just as deplorable as Clinton's. There have been shitty people running our country since our country began, the reason Clinton gets so much attention is because he's most recent, the media doesn't pull it's punches anymore, and because so many democrats consider Clinton a God among men. I have a tremendous amount of respect for John McCain and I still wouldn't put him on the pedestal some people put Clinton on. I think his being the first baby boomer president is a reason a lot of people like him so much.

On the WW2 point Peps brought up, I did a paper on that exact topic when I was at Eastern. The US had several excuses for not acting sooner, the funniest one being "We were afraid if we tried to bomb the Nazi encampments or liberate the camps we'd end up killing the innocent Jews". If I'm some poor guy sitting in a death camp waiting to be turned into a lampshade wouldn't I be more than willing to take the risk of getting shot or blown up for a chance at getting my family and myself the fuck out of there? Another excuse was that we didn't know about the camps, which is hard to believe since we had spies all over the place throughout Germany for several years prior to entering WW2. Oh yeah, and aerial pictures of the camps taken long before our involvement were later declassified. The notion that the US was the noble savior of the free world in WW2, springing to action against evil is a bunch of shit. However, that's not to be held against the soldiers that fought in WW2. They went on some nasty near suicide missions for their country and to stop Hitler so I want to draw a line between them and the government that sent them there years too late.

Oh yeah, something I thought was funny. My Mom has this kid in one of her classes that yells out "THE MOLECULAH MAAAAANNNNN!" whenever another kid in the class randomly whispers "Moleculo". It's too bad they didn't do that skit back when we were in High School.

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