
In category:Politics
Post by:Peps

I've got to say something about the partisan politic sympathies on this web site.

Now I've got to say that Clinton was not that bad of a president, but lets look realistically at his presidency. I don't think that there is any conclusive answer to the question of whether or not he helped the economy. Not at this time anyway since economists are largely in debate of this issue, but then again we can't say anything about his predecessors either. There really has not been enough time to research the economic progression of the last few years and to test whatever conclusions may have been drawn from the data. Now he did keep the country stable, he had a lot of good foreign policy with putting troops into Kosovo and aiding Middle Eastern peace. He did, however, ignore the ethnic slaughter in Rwanda, but did apologize for it later. Thats not quite enough though. Clinton also supported sanctions against Iraq, which is an ineffective, and counter productive practice. It was a practice begun by Bush (ugh), but it still is ineffective, and he had eight years to correct it and he did not. These types of practices are, however, unfortuantely common among US presidents, so by comparison he is pretty good. I still wouldn't deify the man, however. He was a pretty good president, not a philosopher king.

Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan is often highly praised by the Republican party as a hero. This is stupid. The man was not great. I have never heard any good justification for this. I don't think any similar distinction should be applied to Clinton either.

As for the Clinton haters out there, don't think that you have been vindicated by my statements here. I think the vilification of Clinton is really stupid. Clinton has been accused of taking the dignity away from the Oval Office, and unscrupulously lying to the American people by ther Republicans. He has been accused of this in the sex scandal, and in the campaign contribution scandal involving China. Has the nation forgotten, however, that high ranking officials in the Republican party sold weapons to Iran in the early 80's? And on top of that the individuals involved lied about it. It was far worse than sex in the oval office. It was worse than campaign contributions, it was arming an enemy that was a threat to American citizens. By the way, under Clinton's regime, tensions with Iran have started to cool in a very favorable way. Trade with the nation has once again been established, and the nation is no longer a threat to America.

I have to say one more thing. For a nation that vilifies the Nazis so much, we really don't practice what we preach, as they say. There is a Holocaust monument in D.C. but the only reason that this country entered WWII was because of the treat to our imperial claims in the Pacific. The US new about the slaugther in Germany, but did nothing until it was in this nation's benefit. In the modern day, even though we claim to be horrified by such evils as mass genocide, and we never want to see them happen again, we still hesitate to become involved when similar things happen in Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East. That is sad.

Anyway, partisanism can be pretty stupid. It ignores a lot of important issues in favor of mudslinging. How did Bush become our president? Ugh.

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