Pete Pete Pete Pete Pete

In category:Journal
Post by:Stone

Pete Dizzod- I was looking at today, and Pete Dodd was in the letter section (Sega), insulting daily radar (they suck)! Pete sang the Mario song, which was an instant classic, and forevermore enshrined him in the halls of the musical geniuses.

Here's his letter:

Tetris Torn Asunder

Um...? I don't really get it. Did Garrett [Kenyon] actually play "The Next Tetris?" Could have fooled me...

Ok, where to begin. Hmmm. Ok, first off Garrett, did you actually play the game or did you just read the crib sheet that Crave sent you? The game does not include global scoreboards. It says on the back of the box that it does, but the game clearly does not. Is that the only thing? Of course not... this is a Christimas rush job (released Dec. 21) we are talking about. You know that cool mode called marathon? It's fun because it saves your score and you are always trying to beat your high score. Sounds fun, right? Well, it would be except there is a glitch with the auto-save (which cannot be disabled) where it saves your most recent score even if it is not higher than the high score. Hell of a glitch, huh? If you played the game you may have found it yourself.

Ok, so lets take this baby online. That should be fun. Oh wait, why isn't my keyboard working? I guess I just have to use the controller to communicate. That sucks. Oh wait, there is no way to do that either. So, let me get this straight... I am supposed to play online against a real person that I cannot communicate with in any way?Are you for freakin real? Who thought that this was a good idea? Ok, screw it, I can live without actually talking to anyone... and this ranking system seems ok. Oh, nevermind, you have to beat someone three times straight to move up rank. I have yet to play someone that didn't quit after losing two. In fact nearly everytime I go online no one is there.

Yeah, Garrett, this game deserves a hit. George W. Bush will be our greatest president, and Episode 2 will win an academy award for best screen play.

Defend yourself, please.

Pete Dodd

West Haven, CT

Mike - post the Pete song?

I'm getting tired of this 10pm - 6am thing at work...well, I'm not really, but I want to stop working. Get up, play the Saturn, watch the Simpsons, maybe do something with friends/hope that one of my friends can hook me up with a ride to work (and you always can, thank you), read, bleh, sleep. Whatever, I'm tired.


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