People Who Like People Don't Choose Jif

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Peps and I have a little game going. Mwa ha ha. Anyway...Whoever GIRLNEXTDOOR is, she's a dirty, stupid beer slut.

Sometimes, when I get frustrated about something (mainly work), I come here to rant. Now, most of the people on here who know me are quite aware that I was (still am?) one of the biggest whiners on the planet. Everything I said, whether it was a complaint or not, was mocked by the group in a whiny voice. Fuck you all very much for that, by the way. But anyway, I used to get pissed off and whine. Now, I get pissed off and I rant. So what's the difference? NOTHING, ASSHOLES. There's absolutely no difference between whining and ranting. Maybe when we post on here, we put a little more thought into our pissing and moaning, but in all actuality, it's still a whine. Just because you toss the word "fuck" in there a few times doesn't change the emotion. "Oh, I'm so tired of this and that," is no different than, "Oh, I'm so fucking tired of this and fucking that. Fuck!" So, Girlnextdoor, when you say: "I am so sick of all the fuckin whining. Damnit! I mean why do people think their shit don't stink?" aside from being a grammatical mess, you're whining, too. So don't start calling the kettle black when, just like every one of us, you've got some complaining to do. If somebody posts something whiny and you don't like it, oh well - if Pappy doesn't like it he can get rid of it. Otherwise, stop reading and don't insult the person themselves.Beer slut.

Which brings me to another thought. Lio is probably my best friend out of the group. I mean, you're all my best friends, but Lio and I have the most similar and intertwined paths throughout our years and it gives us a special bond. I'm sure he can defend himself, but I still get angry when people are confused about his personality and decide to insult him. Therefore, when you call him a loser (and don't deny it - "As for living in the land of RPG, HAHAHA ...YOUR COOL! Pretend in your'e free time to be something your not. Well that sounds like a great way to spend a quality life. Your life must suck!" - that pretty much says it), not only are you insulting him personally, you're also insulting a good ninety-five percent of the people on this board. To that, I sigh. Just because our activities don't include getting piss-drunk and gargling some strange frat boy's seminal fluids doesn't mean you're any better than us or we any better than you. (And you said yourself you like sucking "it". I'm going by the facts here.) We grew up differently from you and even though we may not like your choice of lifestyle, we don't condemn it vehemently.

I agree that Lio might have overreacted but to him, and to many of us, it seemed as though you were directly insulting him. That was why your post garnered such a large amount of infamy. You posted it at the wrong time. But there still is absolutely no difference between being bitchy/whiny/ranting. None, whatsoever, because peppering a sentence with vulgarity does not a difference make. Good afternoon, people. Rantmaster C, out.

Calliander: Keepin' it fresh since '21, you suckas!

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