People Should Be Shot

In category:People
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

You know, I really hate people. Not ALL people. Just certain types of people. I think this is going to be the first rant I've ever written that isn't a response to someone else's post, but I just feel the urge to complain about things.

I like feeling good. 90% of the year, I feel totally great both physically and mentally and things are good. I think the worst illness I've ever had was bronchitis last winter (which was miserable, especially working at that damn gas station). So, being a person who's in generally good health all the time, I hate it when I even get the slightest headache or tickle in my throat.

My roomate/friend Kaioto (I'll use an alias for him) ended up living with a bunch of sophomores this year (I'm a junior, in case anyone doesn't know), and it's really not all that bad. They're all good kids (none of them even come close to the level of assholishness that I pride myself upon), they don't steal, and everyone generally has a good time. I should probably explain the room situation a little. We live in an 8 man suite, and it's pretty nice. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a decent sized living room, and a small mini-kitchen (minus a stove). Plus, it's the handicapped accessible room, so everything's big enough to accommodate wheelchairs if the school suddenly has a huge amount of cripples getting accepted.

So, as can be expected, when one of the eight of us gets sick, the germs are eventually going to make their rounds to all of us over a period of a month or so. Last month, one of the sophomores (let's call him Pot Head) had bronchitis or something of the like. While I know that this in itself is not contagious, the germs can cause colds in other people, which it did to everyone else, turning the room into a giant quarantine shelter. Eventually, we all got better without the aid of prescription drugs.

What bugs me, however, is that Pot Head never went to health services to get some antibiotics to kill whatever he had, so he's been carrying the fucking dormant germs in him for the past month, and now it's starting to flare up again. Pot Head is getting sick (with a nasty cough), I've felt like shit since Saturday, and one of our other roommates (let's call him Greasy Hispanic) has barely been able to move all day. The solution is simple. I can't understand why this drug addict Pot Head can't get his sorry fucking ass out of bed BEFORE health services closes (at like 4:30pm) in order to get himself some drugs. I mean, if he likes being sick, that's fine with me. But when you're living in close quarters with EIGHT OTHER GUYS, then you should have the common decency to get yourself better so you're not infencting everyone else. Anyway, I have to go to work at the god damn library now. Fuck everyone.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...SO IT SHALL BE!

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