People I Fuckin' Hate...

In category:Misc
Post by:LioConvoy

Alright... seems Insult's been a little dead these past few days, so I'm gonna send out a general discussion topic to you all. If God came down to you tommorrow and said "[Whatever your name is], I'm going to allow you to commit genocide on one group of people." Who would that group of people be?

Personally, I've long held the opinion that my personal favorite group of fuckwads to kill would be vegans. My hatred started back in school when I was working at the dining commons. I'd come into work at 8:00AM on a Sunday with a bastard of hang over, and I'd start flippin' pancakes on the grill. And without fail, at least once a shift, some dick hole Moby wannabe would request a vegan pancake. But it's not just enough for these assholes that we supply them with an animal product free alternative to what we offered, fuck no. No, they would always make me dirty another clean fucking grill, that I'd only have to clean directly afterwards anyway. Why do we accomodate these asspirates?

Not only that, but they are single handedly the most obnoxious group of shitheels in the world. I'll be sitting down ready to enjoy a texas ommelette with a tall glass of milk... and they'll say something to try and gross me out. Like "Eggs are chicken abortions." or "Milk is just cow pus." HAHAHAH... Nice try bitches, but you're talking to the man who once ate a taco boat that Devlin hocked a giant loogie into... you're not going to gross me out. Eggs are delicious... Milk is delicious... fuck you.

I was watching this show one time called "Amish in the City". Now, you all know how I loathe reality television, but I had to watch this based on my life long love of the Amish. In it, 6 amish kids were sent to live with 6 city kids and they lived together in a huge house in the hollywood hills. Now, as is their custom the Amish kids got up at 5:00AM on their first morning in the house, and decided that they were going to throw together a delicious Amish breakfast. Eggs, and bacon and crispy home made french fries... they put out this massive, delicious spread for the city kids as a goodwill gesture to their new friends. What was the response? Blaise to say the least. All except for the one Vegan bitch. She came to the kitchen and was all like, "Oh my god! You used eggs in the blender! You contaminated the blender!" I just wanted to smack her and say "Bitch, sit your as down have french fry, and shut the fuck up."

Do we really need these self righteous cornholes on the planet? All these people ever do is whine and try to force their whackjob opinions on other people. I say kill them all. So tell me Insult, Who do you hate?

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