Payback time

In category:Misc
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

We've gone through airport surveillance footage and passenger logs, Barbra Olsen was able to relay information about the hijacking before her plane crashed into the Pentagon, we know it was Bin Laden. This was a sophisticated attack that took immense planning and resources, US intelligence says it was him, go get him boys. This is war, we have to wipe out Bin Laden, every last member of his organization, and any country that aids and harbors him. Justice must be served, these deaths of innocent US citizens must be avenged, and we must send a message to the world that we won't tolerate this shit. And as for those palestinian pigs dancing in the streets and handing out candy to celebrate this tragedy, it's about time we took things one step further and gave FULL support to Israel, even more so than we have already. Our way of life is under attack, we are now at war. These people place no value on human life as evidenced by their actions, there's no room in this world for people like that. You can't reason with people like that, you can't fight them conventionally, all there is to do is eliminate them. I've never been a big Bush supporter or detractor, but tonight my opinion will form. If he provides enough leadership and positive action to satisfy me then he will grow greatly in my eyes. If not, then I just might be voting democrat in 2004. There won't be a more crucial juncture in our history during our lifetimes than now, we need a strong leader that is not afraid to take swift action against our enemies.

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