Pappy is Gay

In category:People
Post by:Caniprokis

ok Pappy this is for you. for my birthday this past year i recived a porn from pappy it was really nice i thought of him cus at this time i hadent had a girlfriend inna while and im not one for going to the porn store. unfortunatly it was really really bad... first off it was all anal and i hate that but not only was it anal but it was overdubed in spanish...overdubed like if you watched closely they were speaking in english so it was bad and then he gave me another one it was a little better seeing as how it was in english but it was this odd vampire porn and it had a story line but it was too all over the place and made no sence also the dubbing was bad and i could not hear much and sometimes the best part is the screaming....hey pappy she wanted to get laid dumb ass all you had to do was stick it in....thats all from me later

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