Pappy didn't start anything

In category:Life
Post by:Levres

I may be a little behind with this post and it may be old news by now, but I don't care. I want to say some things and now is when I have the time so now is when I'm posting.

So for any of you all that knows what's going on with me and Wilson (and Pappy and Preacherman), here's the deal. Things are worked out. It wasn't Pappy's fault for telling Wilson about the video. Things just got miscommunicated there. Ultimately though, it was my fault.

As Pappy said, I'm a flirty person, always have been. There's character flaw number 1. It's gotten me in trouble before. Low self esteem leads to a need for constant reassurance of sexual desirability. That's why I flirt so much, with EVERYONE. It's just the way I am, or was -- things have to change so says Wilson. So yeah, I flirt a lot. Sorry.

Because I relied on one person for my self esteem before and I got so fucked over, pushed to the edge fucked over, that I'm hestitant to do that again. Bad experiences and betrayal has lead to me flirting a lot with people ALL THE TIME. I flirt with Pappy and Preacherman and Wilson and Caniprokis and anyone of the opposite sex that looks my way. Character flaw number 2, that I didn't work through my shit well enough to give Wilson all that he deserves and that I still flirt too much. Sorry.

I guess Preacherman took all my flirting the wrong way. Maybe I was a little too flirty, maybe it was the alcohol, whatever. I should have been clearer about my intentions, which were nothing more than harmless fun. Character flaw number 3. I unintentionally give people the wrong idea. Sorry.

Okay, so basically I flirt too much and I should have said something to stop things before they got as far as they did. Wilson and I have different ideas of what is ok to do with the opposite sex when you are seriously committed to someone else. Well, Wilson makes so many sacrifices for me, it's about time I bend a little to make him happy. Right, so I have inherent character flaws that I'm working on.

I guess I'm not used to someone caring so much.

HERE FOR ALL TO KNOW, I love Wilson with all the love I have to give. If I flirt with you, please don't get the wrong idea. I don't ever want to be with anyone other than Wilson. He makes me happy in ways I've never known before. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. I'm sorry that things got so messed up.

Thanks ya all for listening. And Pappy, you didn't start anything, it was COMPLETELY my fault.

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