One of those days...

In category:Misc
Post by:LioConvoy

Did ya ever have one of those days? One of those days where everything you touch turns to shit? Where it seems like the whole world pissed in your canteen?

My beautiful day started today when I had to rush to a computer lab at 9:30 to print a paper for my 11:00 class. Well got all the way to the lab and found out that the paper was saved on "My Documents" in my home computer and not to the floppy. Had to skip my 10:10 class just to go home then go back to the lab to print. I had just enough time to meet Melanie after the 10:10 class for our walk to our 11:00 class. As if her proposing that we become roommates next year wasn't enough to once again drive home the point that she has no romantic interest in me whatsoever (We're considering going to work for the same company after school), She regailed me with how in love she was with one of the recruiters we were hanging out with last night. Then she went into a lengthy discussion of her sex life... GEH! At least I got in one good jab at her. She saw I was getting slightly pissy, so she said "You're jealous, You love me!" To which I replied "Don't flatter yerself sweetheart." Then on our walk home she spent the entire time talking to some peice of frat trash. Fuckin' shit...

So to remedy the shittyness of my morning I decided to treat myself to some new RPG books and a pizza with some seven up. Well, I got home and promptly exploded the Seven up all over myself and my new books... Fuck.

Then I get to work. They put me on serving line. I hate this position, I have to deal with asshole students who want me to give them steamtrays full of food when the cooks scream at me if I give them more than one slice of turkey. You know what I hate about serving people? Assholes who can't vocalize what they want me to give them. First of all it's loud behind the steam table, so I can't hear them. It's either fuckheads who can't speak loud enough, Shitheels who can't speak the fucking language, or douche bags who point at the food. I HATE ASSHOLES WHO POINT!!! There is a giant STEEL platform covering the window to the food, So I can't see them. One asshole did this tonight and I said "I'm sorry, we can't see through stainless steel." THERE ARE SIGNS!!! HOW MOTHERFUCKING HARD IS IT TO SAY "TUR-KEE"! ASS LORDS! AND ANOTHER THING ON THE SUBJECT! If you're going to live in a country, LEARN TO SPEAK THE DAMN LANGUAGE... fucking asshole foreign exchange students who don't have the respect for me or my country to learn to speak my language. I wouldn't move to Paris and expect to be able to communicate perfectly through grunts and pointing. Bastards.


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