One more thing

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I just want to add one more thing..

I need to keep my mouth shut. If I tell a story, I should most likely not tell it to strangers. God knows what Kelwhore's roommate(s) and hallmates think of me now.. but I should keep quiet.

The problem is with telling an anecdote that people in this part of the world just won't understand and can't understand. Most won't even try to understand, but the good few do try.. but those that try are usually the more closed minded, already set in their ways type people.

I need to stop saying things out of context.. I never remember that I know the context and other people generally don't because they werent there. So, people then think I'm some sort of fucked up lunatic.

Yea, so I've been at the wrong place at the wrong time.. perhaps I've had issues with the police on a few occasions.. maybe I've been contacted by investigative agencies.. perhaps I've been accused of things I didn't do.. and maybe I have been accused of drug addictions before I even knew how drugs were even taken.

Things like that I shouldn't mention.. which angers people if I don't. If I say something, and the only backing I have for what I've said is a product of one of those events I shouldn't talk about.. then what hte hell do I do? I guess I should keep quiet. Or I should be willing to explain that context that I always leave out.

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