Old Fuck

In category:Education
Post by:Levres

I fucking hate my writing professor. I had a conference with him at 9:30 this morning. On a normal Tuesday, I don't have to be on campus until 1:00. It was aggrivating enough that I had to get up so much earlier and go to campus just for a stupid meeting that can absolutely be done over the phone or through email. Whatever, he's an old fuck, so I went to the stupid meeting -- clear across campus. The bus was 13 minutes late. They run every 15 minutes. It's fucking useless beyond belief for the bus to be 13 minutes late. Whatever, I still made it with time to spare. I get up to his office and the old fuck is out sick. I made a trip to campus for nothing. I could have been in bed still nice and asleep. He fucking has an email list, is it so much to ask to email people so they don't waste their time? Just a little email to say "Hi, I'm an old fuck and sick AGAIN. I'm not going to be there, so don't waste your time coming to campus just to see my ugly face." He could give the list to one of the math department secretaries and ask her to write an email. Something, anything, so I don't waste my time. But no, he's an inconsiderate old bastard. When I'm going to miss the meeting, I have the decency to call him and it isn't even an inconvenience to him if I don't show. He'd have been sitting in his office anyhow. I wasted an hour of my time going back and forth to his fucking office for NOTHING! Old fucking bastard. I hate everyone, especially Fogarty. Bah!

1212 out.

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