OK, Munich is my shit

In category:Life
Post by:Stone

Munich is fucking awesome. Basically, all anyone does is drink beer and hang out. It's unbelievable. There is a gigantic beer bar (which a huge outdoor seating space) on every single corner, and all of the bars are completely packed, on the weekends, at least. The beer is great, the food is great, it's like the happiest place on earth. With that said, I still can't shake the fact that I'm hanging around with a bunch of people whose grandfathers or fathers were probably Nazis. When I was flying in to Munich yesterday, I kept thinking about pictures of Saving Private Ryan or something like that, imagining bombing the quaint little towns beneath me in the name of freedom.

This is what I ate and drank today:

  • 2 Macchiatos
  • 1 slice of weird peach cheesecake
  • 0.5 liter of Ayinger Lager
  • Vitello Tonnato
  • 0.5 liter of Paulaner Weissbeer
  • 0.5 liter of Schneiderweisse Weizenhell
  • "Voressen" (Sweet-and-sour Veal Lungs (it was damn good))
  • 0.5 liter of Aventinus Weizen Starkbier
  • 0.5 liter of Schneiderweisse Kristal
  • 0.3 liter of Stauder Pils
  • 2 cl of schnapps, Haus-Obstler
  • 2 cl of schnapps, Enzian von Grossl
  • 0.5 liter of Ayinger, I think, at a German-Mexican bar called "Sausalito" (I like European Mexican bars. I went to a Mexican Wrestling Bar in Madrid and it was awesome.)
  • 1 Fernet Branca + Coke (this drink is like magic. When you have it, it peps you up, makes you feel undrunk, and settles your stomach. I can't believe I only started drinking it recently.)
  • 0.5 liter of Schneiderweisse Original
  • Portion Schweinhaxe (a big fried pork leg, awesome)
  • 0.3 liter of Aventinus Weizen Eisbock (12% ABV!)
  • Dreierlei, a few pieces of ice cream with some good strawberries
  • a 12 oz bottle of Radeberger Weissbier
  • a 12 oz bottle of Paulaner Weissbier

There is a type of traditional Munich sausage called Weisswurst. It's white, and the important thing is that you're only supposed to eat it before noon (I guess because it spoils so quickly). You're also not supposed to eat the casing. You pop open the casing, and squeeze the filling into your mouth (like astronaut food). Awesome. I am going to sleep (it's 1:18am right now) so I can get up early enough to eat the weisswurst.


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