Oh.. the holidays..

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Ya, so.. it is christmas eve eve or some shit.. I'm at the parents place and such.. probably wouldnt have ranted, but I had ice cream tonight (with lactaid) and im sitting on the can right now (as I type this) and im waiting to stop shitting so I can go out.

Ice cream sucks.

So far, I have only made two shopping trips this season. This year I did no online purchasing. So not bad, in my opinion. I am basically done too. And tomorrow is christas eve, so I better get done tomorrow. I have yet to wrap anything tho.. I'm a shitty wrapper. It's not that I'm messy, I have trouble putting any effort into something that is going to get torn up in a few days.

Christmas this year will be different.. we have a house guest.. a token asian if you will. Some friend of my brother's that is staying here for a while (no one knows how long for.. including my parents.. we all thought he'd be at his cousin's by now.. shrug). So, I guess it means people will be acting differently as they open gifts.. in all honesty, I wish he wasnt here because it is uncomfortable for someone to be just watching everyone else get gifts, and he gets like two things (my mom picked up a few things to give him.. nice of her, eh?). But like, I dunno.. I'm really wondering what time I'm going to get up on Tuesday. It wont be 7am.

Guess I'm done for now.. later foo.

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