Odd Dream

In category:Sex
Post by:Pappy

I should add a dream category.. unfortunately I remember so few of my dreams.

This was a pretty damn lucid one and I remember it.. here:

Missing image: /pics/bathroom_small.gif

It's around 3am, and I am heading to bed. I head to take a shower as I do every night before bed. I get into the shower, and wash my hair and stuff. I get soap in my eyes, and I am trying to get it out. I then look towards the wall and see that around eye level is now a window. It is now daytime, and I am watching people walking to class. The outside of all the buildings has changed to a smooth light brown stone. I turn around and the shower is now much bigger.. not knowing what is going on, I quickly rinse out my hair and turn off the shower. I open the curtain a bit and get out of the shower. I am standing naked outside the shower, grabbing my towel.

I then realize that the layout of the whole bathroom has changed. Instead of me being at the end shower in the corner, I am now at the second one over. I then notice that there is no way the window can look outside because the showers arent facing that way.. but they are now.

I then look to my right and see that somehow there are another dozen or so showers out of nowhere. I put on my boxers and sandals and get the urge to take a piss. A toilet appears to my left and I start pissing into it. The toilet disappears, and I am now urinating on the wall. Nothing seemed odd about this.

I turn around and pick up my bucket to go brush my teeth. I see a girl get out of the shower about 10 feet away. She is completely naked and walking towards the door. She disappears around the corner, and I head towards teh sinks to brush my teeth, which is around the corner. I then see a whole bunch of people at the sinks, including the naked girl, all brushing their teeth. I go to an available sink, which is next to the naked girl. Trying not to act weird, I just brush my teeth, looking into the mirror at everything around me, including her. Two girls walk into teh front door, one girl is giving the other the tour of the floor.. saying that this is the bathroom and its coed since its the only bathroom in the building since [X] (i dont remember the reason). The naked girl then comes up behind me and starts mumbling pointing to her chest. I am looking at her through the mirror at the time, so I turn around (hey, she's pointing).

When I turn around, she now has a shirt one. A white shirt, fairly tight. She then leaves. The girl who was brushing her teeth next to me then says something to me that I find funny, so I laugh.

Then I woke up to my cell phone ringing.

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