October crunch

In category:Life
Post by:Levres

Okay, so I'm going to bitch about all the work that I have to do instead of actually taking this time to do it. I need a little break. Let me tell you about my ass day so far.

I got up late at about noon. From 1.00-2.00 I have to sit through Math 127 which is calculus for the life sciences. We're 9 lecturers into the semester and we haven't even done anything to do with calculus. Today we talked about average rate of change and instaneous rate of change and he said let's call the IROC, y' and call it the derivative. Argh. It's all fucking ass backwards and boring as shit.

Anyway, then from 2.30-3.45 I have Math 461, Geometry with a crazy professor. He's very smart and all and knows his shit, but I don't think I ever want to take a class with him again. He writes a mile a minute and talks even faster. Before I can copy the shit down he's alreay erasing it. He's lecturing and then asking questions as we go along and I'm still trying to copy things down from two boards ago.

Then from 4.00-6.00 I sit in a room and wait for people to ask questions. If they come, I have to help them in the best way that I can. If no one comes, I sit there freezing my balls off grading quizzes or doing my homework.

Then from 6.30-7.30, I tutor -- a review of calc 1, 2, and 3 for a kid that is taking a course in the physics of chemistry or something, like how atoms rotate and shit like that. At the end of the day, I start the long walk home. Usually I just wait for the bus and read one of my text books while waiting. Yes, I actually read my text books.

Then when I got home, I started a number theory project that is due tomorrow. I'm working with Wilson and my ex roommate Tab. It's now 12:14 am. I'm not done with the project, Wilson is downstairs writing code for it and then I have to do some work with the data that his program makes for me.

After I finish this, do I get to go to bed? Not even close. I have a paper to write for a conference I have with my junior writing teacher, a scabby old man who needs to do something about his peeling flaky skin and open wounds. The conference is at 6 pm tomorrow night. I also need to finish my geometry homework that was due today. I have about 3,000 papers which need to be graded to be given back tomorrow. After all that, I think I can finally go to bed, only to get up at 7.30 for my 9.05 class. My roommate has already gone to bed and I'm so jealous.

Tomorrow is not going to be any easier either. I have algebra at 9.05, errands to run at 10.10, number theory at 11.15, precal at 12.20, lunch at 1.25, meeting for homework at 2.30, office hours from 4.00-6.00, conference at 6.00 and then maybe by about 6.30 or so, I'll get to go back to my room after one long long day. I have more geometry homework due Thursday, and then maybe I can get some sleep.

This was supposed to be a nice long weekend, let me catch up on some of the shit that I have to do. Did that happen? I actually did do a lot of work -- alphabetizing all 3,000 papers I have to grade. But I still have a shit load of my own homework and what not to do. I feel like a hamster on one of those wheels, constantly running but not going anywhere. It's quite frustrating. It's going to drive me to drink, I just know it. I'm too young to be burned out, aren't I?

1212 Out.

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