Occupy a Dick

In category:Money
Post by:Calliander

I told Caniprokis about this the other night when we were hanging out and I said, "Man, that sounds like the kind of shit I would say on Insult." So I'm gonna repeat it here.

I forget which news program I was watching and who the people were that were having a little round-table discussion and this one guy suddenly just blew up at the other panelists. They, of course, were talking about the economy and what we can do to fix things.

What he said was something along the lines of this:

  • All of that money - the equity, the savings, etc. - went to people when all of these Americans got fucked over. The money didn't just vanish into thin air, it was bilked from Americans by people.
  • So what did we do? We handed money to the people who were either directly responsible or indirectly (in the sense that they should have been paying much better attention) because they run banks and such.
  • How about we just take their money? Those people we, instead, handed money to? How about we just divvy up their savings accounts, liquidate their stocks, etc. and give that back to the American people? And rather than a trial or something, that will be their penance for fucking us over?

Now, I understand how debt works and so I get the lunacy of just assuming that the money didn't vanish, as the guy was saying. But, as I said to Caniprokis, it definitely sounds like the kind of half-hashed pipe dream thing I would post about. And, other things aside, I support taking down bank executives and giving their money to the people who can't make house payments. CLASS WARFARE, BITCHES! Don't like it, you can occupy my dick!

What, did you think I was going to be reasonable on Insult?

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