Now I remember

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Ah, I remember now. I went out for dinner with my little brother this evening. We went to ground round, he likes it there.. they have no pay by weight thing anymore tho.. ah well..

Anyway, being a Monday they were short staffed.. so the fine lady who seated us was going around doing drink orders and desert orders.. waitress did it when she could tho. As a side note, a girl that both Gatekeeper and Caniprokis dated was there too.. Natalie. I saw her there..

Anyway.. the waitress was real nice and flirty and such. She offered a free dessert, and I never got charged for drinks. It is that sort of thing that makes one's day. It has been a real shitty day, and that really changed that all the way around. It made me feel less hated and such. The waitress didnt have to give me a free dessert or free drinks, but she did.. and that makes me feel good because it makes me feel less rotten.

On the drive to Boston on saturday, I realized two things. One, that Massachusetts sucks. The other thing is that a smile goes a long way. One thing I havent done in many years, is randomly smile at people.. not in a fucked up "I want to put my dick in your mouth" smile or a "Hah, that guy bought a Geo Metro" smile.. just a plain old smile. I would do this when I was a cashier at a grocery store back in the day. During one of the bouts of traffic, a woman smiled at me. It made me start smiling at other people. They might have thought I was an asshole for smiling in traffic, but whatever.. I felt good.

I don't like Pepsi.

I like beer.

I like gin & tonic.

I like c-o-l-a, cola.

I might like lola too

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