In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

Um. America has spoken. America has shown that their will is another four years of George W. Bush, Republican leaders and bans on gay marriage. While I would normally be inclined to yell and shout about "the stupidity of the average American," over these sorts of results, there is only one thing that I feel upon viewing the electoral map:

I'm not wanted.

People like myself who realized that voting on terrorism was unmerited, who realized the impending reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision, who realized the poor decisions on the economy, who realized the poor execution of the Iraq war; we're not wanted.

People like us are not needed or wanted in a country where common sense, logical thinking and rationality are shunned for idealogical pandering and a plea to irrational fears.

I was hopeful. I thought Kerry stood a chance. But, the people have spoken. I can't see any reason to continue caring anymore about the direction that America is heading, since my opinion is not of the majority. I'll get over it, but right now it feels as though there is no reason to live. This was a very personal election for me.

I just wanted to thank you guys for being my friends and I hope that you all voted, regardless of who you voted for. I also want to thank the members of my "opposition" who didn't vote on terrorism - at least you voted your heart or your wallet and I appreciate your intelligence. I congratulate the President on legitmizing himself after some major attacks because of the 2000 Florida vote.

Take care, you guys. Thanks for being here.

  • Calliander
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