No Tiered Internets, Please

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

I apologize for my "srs bsns" post here. ("Srs bsns," for those of you not in the know, means, "serious business," in a tongue-in-cheek way.)

Sign This Petition For Net Neutrality

On January 14th a federal appeals court struck down the FCC's rules for ISPs prohibiting them from restricting or otherwise managing web content. Not sure whether you want to sign the petition for Net Neutrality? Check this graphic out.

Since ISPs are not classified as "common carriers" regarding the services they provide, the FCC is now no longer able to keep them from managing their network traffic. Immediately following the ruling, the big companies released statements claiming that they would not do anything. Please double-check the graphic above if you believe that statement. They are corporations and, as such, that plan makes 100% sense from a business standpoint. It's a good structure to get more money out of people and they would, honestly, be complete fools to willingly avoid switching to it. So disregard their fake assuaging - it's going to happen at some point… unless we do something.

So sign the damned petition already!

(Credit for the chart graphic.)

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