New Music

In category:Music
Post by:Caniprokis

I have taken a liking to this band, some of you will hate this band, some will like it and some will be on the fence about it. The funny thing about this is i was asked to be in this band, and then told never mind we found someone else, but your at the top of our list if this kid dosent work out, nice but fuck man it sucks cus this is the exact kind of band id like to be in. anyways the name of the band is Treading Sorrows, kinda lame name but very Emo-core and thats what they are. emo-core scremo type of stuff anyways you can check out three tracks from them on and i will put up a song for your convience.   its not a far cry from what Lucy was trying to be i guess, if we had sonmeone who could you know sing. so check them out give it a listen and tell me what you all think good bad or indifferent. also tell me if you could see me in a band like this, i may get the chance, if we all pray that the other kid blows ass maybe ill get the gig :)

948 out.

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