New Insult Stuff and New Neighbors

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

So Pappy has been making a lot of changes to the code, which is cool. It looks like all he needed was a kick in the butt and now we are going to be up and running for real and for good. I'm decent with programming for web applications, but Pappy's been doing it a lot longer and already has some stuff written and some good ideas. I'm still the fucking admin, though. Some stuff I was planning on adding (and may, still): A way to upload files to the server for linking - like images, etc. A way to upload your own avatar/picture that will resize automatically for you like Facebook's got (it's public code and I already have slots on your user accounts in the SQL database for customizable avatar locations and picture locations). Also, a "contact the author" form which will use sendmail to drop you an e-mail based on what you put in - your profile would allow you to select whether people can e-mail. AND, a ratings system which I have already written - under your post it would say, "Rate this post: Like / Hate / Meh" and tally up how many people like your shit, hate it or couldn't care less.

Anyway, I started my laundry today and like five minutes later I had my new neighbor knocking at my door to ask me when I was going to be done. Now, let me explain something: When I do my laundry, I only use one washer and one dryer at a time. There are two washers and driers, but I only use one in case somebody else needs to do their laundry. I call that Laundry Etiquette. The maximum number of loads I do is four, but usually it's only two anyway. Therefore, I was a little confused when she asked. Keep in mind that my new neighbors are Indian so I open my door to her in complete mummy garb even with a veil, for the love of all that is good! She was like, "Excuse me, I was just wondering when you will be done with your laundry, as I need to clean mine."

I blinked a few times and was like, "Well, I always leave one open, so unless somebody else took the empty one, you should be able to use that one."

She actually chuckled and replied with: "Oh yes, there is one empty one but I need to use both."

Way to piss me off, lady. There is nothing more annoying than trying to do your laundry when there are multiple machines and somebody is using both. I said, "Again, I left one open. I have three loads today, one is washing, that takes like 30 minutes. It will take that load 45 minutes to dry, and then the next one another 45 and the next one another 45. So that's like three hours."

"Okay!" and she trundles up the stairs to her apartment. This is the same person who has a kid that clomps around all day and drops heavy shit on the floor. I should have told her to strap her damn kid down and I'd let her do her clothes first. Damn it.

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