New Guidelines?

In category:Insult
Post by:Calliander

Reporter: Say something for the record. Tell the people what you feel.
Man: Fuck the record! AND FUCK THE PEOPLE!

Yeah, Snot is a badass band. I completely agree with what the man says in response to the reporter's nagging and I believe it has a parallel to what we're doing here at If the people reading this don't know what I'm talking about when I quote The Bean then fuck them for not taking the initiative to meet him. Fuck them if they don't want to read our nonsensical blather - the key thing is that it's OUR nonsensical blather.

But yes, the key thing to remember about this site is that it is named "". It is not called "" or "" or "". So I agree with Pappy when he says that the flames against each other should be kept to an outside arena like e-mail or Instant Messenger. I think the idea of having replies to posts is neat, but kind of makes Insult very similar to a messageboard. But either way, whatever. You do what you want Pappy and as long as I get to come here and read hilarious shit from you, FlyingTim, GatekeeperTDS, Caniprokis, Wilson, Preacherman, Lio Convoy, Peps, Stone, SpoDudeZ0r, arcee, Qava, Levres, and hunch; then post something inflammatory against the right-wing assholes who e-mail you to complain about me saying that I think Bill Clinton should be a role model for children everywhere: then all is good. Sorry for the run-on sentence.

Stone, you need to rediscover the wonder known as Daggerfall. You won't ever play the Saturn again. Hehe. And Gatekeeper, you need to rediscover the wonder known as "Naked Reds & Word Orders" because it's funny. And if you're reading this and don't know what that's about? FUCK YOU. Heh. All in all, keep it up folks. Adios, amigos. =)

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