New Design

In category:Insult
Post by:Calliander

Hey, folks. Since we've been using Insult again, I decided to start working on a redesign (and implementing some new features). First, I wanted to get a critique of the design:

Missing image:

The things I am working to add to Insult are the following:

  • The authors list will be just that - a list - with links to...
  • Actual profile pages for each author which link like:
  • A private message system for us
  • An option in your profile to allow people to use a form to send you an e-mail (off by default)
  • The ability to change your pictures
  • Customizable profile fields (i.e. Favorite Alcohol could be Favorite Red Wine or whatever)
  • As you might be able to see in the picture, an author rating system (only authors can rate, not anonymous people)
  • Forwarding of a rant via e-mail to someone
  • Quoting of somebody's rant in your own new rant
  • Previewing your rant before you submit it

Please send me a message via any of the sites we're on or via e-mail if you have any suggestions. Thanks!

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