Naughty or Nice?

In category:Misc
Post by:Calliander

Just sitting here waiting to leave for work, since I woke up too early. (It figures.)

Man, it's really gonna suck when the only people left here are Lio Convoy, FlyingTim and myself. No more wacky antics from Pappy, hilarious raging outbursts from Caniprokis, outrageous adventures with Snackman (a.k.a. Wilsor), or frivolous expenditures courtesy of the Stone man. We're going to miss you guys, but hopefully one day we'll all be out there or something to that effect.

So the Anaheim Angels won the World Series. Fox did something really weird as the Halos were celebrating out on the field: the camera panned over the dugout for the Giants as players were leaving and showed the manager, Dusty Baker, holding his three year-old son and trying to comfort him as the kid bawled on his father's shoulder. Why would you show something like that? I give the man credit, though, for not being the average losing manager and saying stuff like, "Well we tried to play our best and couldn't come up with the win," or some lame dodge like that. He had a very brief interview with a Fox guy and told the truth about the disappointment and still came off as a good loser. Really cool.

I'd just like to say that ToeJam & Earl 3 is a great game. A musical genius. Thank you.


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