My Weekend

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Well, I should have been home this weekend. But no... I just seem to be getting fucked in the ass left and right. Well, I'll let you all in on my stunning weekend.

Friday night sucked. I went to a new mexican restaurant in town with Red. I had nachos which tasted like monkey crap spread on roofing tiles compared to the glory that is Jalepeno Heaven. So, as I was enjoying this culinary delight, who should appear to my wonderous eyes but SoulSucker. Heh... Fuck. She walked up in her usual drunken manner and started running at the mouth. I introduced her to Red for like the 37th time, and like all the other times, she forgot who she was. So SoulStealer starts prattling at me. Blah Blah Blah, I miss you, Blah Blah Blah, why don't we hang out anymore? Meh... Grin and bare it... smile and nod till she goes away. Then Red and I hung out a while till we decided to hit another bar. And just so God could laugh at me some more... guess who was there... even drunker. Yup... good ol' SoulSucker. She comes up to me and is all gabby again. "Oh Lio! Hold me" So I abide... and get a quality feel on her boob! So, the night wasn't a total wash.

Saturday night sucked. Stayed home, organized my Mp3 collection. Yes, that was the highlight of my evening...gah.

Well nothing's happening on sunday either... so the weekend sucks...

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