My Spring Break

In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

Ya wanna know about my Spring Break? No, well tough, I'm gonna tell you anyway... During my break "the storm of the century" hit... did you ever notice we seem to have a "storm of the century" about once every two or three years? But I digress. I was snowed in for 3 days of my break... it sucked shit. I couldn't go anywhere or do anything... I had to break my diet for entertainment... and I didn't just kinda break it... I destroyed it. I wound up gaining 10 lbs. back... geh... oh well, I'm back in Penn State, and back on track with my diet. Then Calliander refused to take me to see the demon queen to flaunt my thinnitude...

Don't get me wrong though... there was some pretty cool shit going on. I got to see my homies. I got to eat pizza again. Got to see the parents again. but best of all, all of my friends were able to hang out together with no major beefs... and in the end, that far outweighs ways my boredom, my weight gain, or my want for revenge.

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

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