My Retarded Friends..

In category:People
Post by:Pappy

I think it was last Friday, when I had some folks over to watch a film. Calliander picked Bowfinger and that was what was watched. Stone, Calliander, Spo (although he left sorta early), Caniprokis, Arcee, Wilson, and FlyingTim were all there.

Now, it is only reasonable that people bring their own snacks since that is the way everyone else does it. I am not going to foot the bill when the same courtesy is not returned, but thats the way people do it generally as silly as it sometimes sounds to me. There is also no soda in my fridge, so people brought their own soda.

Caniprokis bought a box of dinner for Arcee and himself.. huge box.. the full multi-course meal from some place. FlyingTim and Calliander got stuff from Subway. Stone was content with his gin and Wilson did something or nothing, I dont remember. So they had all this food and stuff, and we watched the movie. Everyone left, and the next day my mom remarked that it was a mess and that my friends should clean up after themselves or I should clean up that night to prevent rotting and stuff...

Now.. its not like anyone had dishes, so there is no washing up really.. so sure, it isnt too bad for me to have to pick up a Subway back and throw it into the trash can 4 feet away.. but I shouldnt have to. I mean.. come one people... the fucking son of a bitch trash can is so close. Get off your ass and throw your mother fucking trash in the trash can. Do not put your soda cans in the pockets of the pool table.. throw them away.

I hate having people over, going through the trouble of setting up the projection system, providing a free film viewing to those present, and then also having to clean up after them.

Now.. not all of the folks I listed up top are at fault here. I am not going to grace those not at fault by listing them specifically but I do thank them (and you know who you are I am sure). Please, if you do actually clean up after yourself, try to promote the action of cleaning and encourage others to do so as well.

This is why I never used to have people over my house, and why I regret doing so every time I have people over. I so frequently provide beverages, and 95% of those beverages get left out for me to clean up. Some people annoy me by not emptying their can. Others annoy me by ripping off the tab thingie and throw it on the ground for me to slice my foot on (wilson.. you whore).

But yea, I am not in a good mood. I will rant again in a sec.

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